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A view of the marketing communications process

A view of the marketing communications process. Too often marketing communications focus solely on addressing gaps in product awareness, image, or preference in the target market. But this view in marketing communications has several limitations, it is too short and expensive, and most messages of this type do not reach the target customer. 1. Communication […]

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Determine the promotional mix (foto/special)

Determine the promotional mix

Determine the promotional mix. The company must distribute the total promotion budget across five promotional tools which include advertising, sales promotion, public relations and publicity, sales force, and direct marketing. Within the same industry, companies can differ greatly in the way they allocate their promotion budgets. Maybe a company wants to achieve a certain level

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Selecting Marketing Communication Channels (foto/special)

Selecting Marketing Communication Channels

Selecting Marketing Communication Channels. The communicator must choose an efficient communication channel to convey the message. In many cases many different communication channels are required. For example, sales people for pharmaceutical companies rarely get 10 minutes from a busy doctor. Their presentation should be short, fast, and convincing. This makes selling pharmaceutical products very expensive

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Business message material (foto/special)

Business message material

Business message material. The communicator must develop a strong format for the message. In print advertising, the communicator must decide on the title, wording, illustrations, and color. If the message is delivered via radio, then the communicator must carefully choose the words, sound quality (speech rate, rhythm, pitch, articulation), and vocalization (pauses, breaths, breaths). The

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Develop effective marketing communications (foto/special)

Develop effective marketing communications

Develop effective marketing communications. The following will discuss the eight steps in developing an effective total communication and promotion program.marketing communicator must 1. Identify the Target Audience Marketing communicators must start with a clear mind about the target audience. The audience can be interpreted as potential buyers of the company’s products, current users, decision makers,

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Strategies for designing messages in marketing communications (foto/special)

Strategies for designing messages in marketing communications

Strategies for designing messages in marketing communications. After determining the desired response from the audience, the communicator then develops an effective message. Ideally, the message should attract attention, maintain interest, generate desire, and move action. (AIDA model-see first column of Figure). In practice, few messages are able to carry consumers from awareness to purchase, but

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Definition of marketing communications (foto/special)

Definition of marketing communications

Definition of marketing communications. Modern marketing requires more than just developing a good product, offering it at an attractive price, and making it accessible to target customers. Companies must also communicate with existing and potential customers, retailers, suppliers, those with an interest in the company, and the general public. Every company cannot escape its role

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